
If any Texas Border Standoff event happened that I missed, please put it in the comments here and I will add it to the timeline. Thanks!

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Jan 25·edited Jan 25Liked by CodeMonkeyZ

What needs to be looked into is whether the illegals they are "catching" are actually being jailed or simply processed , given a court date into the distant future and released on our streets. Abbott talks tough on the border but has done NOTHING in the years the Republicans have controlled our government. I think this is just election year posturing for the masses.What would make more sense is if he goes after the Church VOLAGS' tax exemption and the "non profit" NGOs that are operating in Texas taking taxpayer dollars thru the Refugee Resettlement Program. This is their establishe gateway into America and needs to be stopped cold until the loopholes can be closed permanently.Almost our whole Texas Legislature is tainted and many have candidates running against them. People need to vote in large numbers in our coming Primary and get rid of these losers if we can. We have Open Primaries and the Dems are always jumping into the Republican Primary and helping to choose the RINO losers we try so hard to ditch. Just sayin'.

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That picture of all the states that support Texas vs. those who do not is a snapshot of where to move to in order to avoid “operation dark winter” that is coming. Great work, very informative without being sensational.

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Great job making the timeline

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Jan 26Liked by CodeMonkeyZ

I noted the fact that much of the border is located on PRIVATE property..... Thank you CodeMonkeyZ for a great assessment!!

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Jan 26Liked by CodeMonkeyZ

Such a great comment - thank you 👍

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A short story I created. Controversy was the goal!

In an increasingly interconnected world, the ideologies of nationalism and globalization clashed like titanic forces, shaping the destiny of nations on a chessboard grander than ever before. This story, set in the near future, unravels a tapestry where the threads of economic dominance, political ideologies, and human aspirations weave a narrative of upheaval and war.

Multinational corporations had grown more powerful than governments, effectively eroding national borders through a web of economic interdependence. They championed globalization, promising a world without frontiers, unified markets, and shared prosperity. The mantra of free trade was their gospel, and they sang it from every rooftop, infiltrating every port, and penetrating every policy. Yet, beneath this facade of unity, there brewed a deepening resentment among the masses.

Nationalism rekindled in the hearts of the people as they saw their jobs shipped overseas and their cultures diluted. Populist leaders emerged like the tide against the shore, riding on the waves of discontent, heralding a return to sovereignty, custom, and self-determination. Flags waved with more fervor, anthems sung with more fire, and borders were reinforced with steel and scrutiny.

The United States, once the beacon of the free world, was torn from within. Rural areas, hit hard by the loss of manufacturing jobs, saw the globalist agenda as a betrayal, while the tech-driven cities prospered and pushed for deeper international ties. The schism widened into social and political fractures, which escalated when a charismatic leader, Senator Johnathan Hawk, rode the sentiment of nationalism to the presidency. His first act: an executive order to pull out of all international trade deals.

This decision sent shock waves around the world and was the first spark that ignited the flames of civil unrest. In Europe, similar fissures appeared, expanding from Brexit to mass exits, dismantling the once tight-knit European Union. Countries retreated into themselves, and nationalist parties seized control, blaming the elite globalists for economic declines and cultural erosion.

Nationalism's fervor spread to South America, where the promise of self-sufficiency fueled revolutions, overthrowing leaders perceived as puppets to the multinational corporations. Nations like Brazil, Argentina, and Venezuela banded together, forming their own alliances, rejecting external influences from both East and West.

And then it happened, a shot heard around the world, but it was not a bullet—it was an economic sanction. The United States, in an unprecedented move, froze the assets of the world's largest corporations, accusing them of allegiance to no country but their own profit margins. Europe and South America followed suit, leading to a crippling freeze of the global economy.

The corporations did not stand idle—they had resources, private armies, and the unswaying loyalty of regions still advocating globalization. A cold war of economics turned hot as corporate mercenaries clashed with national forces in strategic locations around the globe.

What had started as a battle of ideas evolved into a tangled web of alliances and oppositions—the Globalist Coalition versus the Nationalist Alliance. Countries were now pitted against companies, and communities against conglomerates. Factions formed, not by borders but by beliefs, drawing the battle lines for a Civil War that transcended national boundaries.

The United States fractured into regions, each claiming sovereignty, while Europe saw ancient rivalries reborn in modern warfare. South American countries, though united by a common cause, faced internal dissension as ideologies battled for souls and soil.

Matters escalated when one of the corporations, having secured WMD capabilities, threatened a show of force to subdue the Nationalist Alliance. But they underestimated their enemy's resolve. National intelligence agencies, having infiltrated the corporations, pre-emptively launched a disabling cyber attack, leaving the corporations vulnerable.

This was the juncture at which the world teetered on the brink of World War III. As the planet divided into two opposing forces—the Nationalist Alliance advocating for the sovereignty of the people and the Globalist Coalition pushing for a borderless, corporate-led world—every human had to choose a side.

No one could predict the outcome, and our story ends on the precipice of global conflict. Two philosophies, two visions for the future of humanity, now locked in a struggle that would define an era. Would the planet succumb to the might of multinational corporations, or would the resurgence of nationalism carve a new world order? The specter of World War III loomed over the horizon, an ominous endgame for the clash of civilizations.

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There is no standoff it's all a show. The gates are wide open. Shown here:


They're expecting Trump back in as president.

They're setting the economic crash to take place late 2026.

SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission) mandating central clearing for practically every systemic repo trade by mid-2026


left/right dialectic is non-sense driven by agitators of the Cabal.

From the Matrix the red pill vs the blue pill wasn’t the answer.

The answer was in the spoon

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Feb 1 fort Sumter 2.0

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