I’d love to see a sort of series on this, or just an occasional article where you delve in & give more examples.

You could do a little class for us ☺️

Thanks. It was a great intro.

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Video Series for the masses

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Interesting article following in line with your writing!

"Le Bon identified five pillars of influence that made greater impact than facts, logic, or persuasion: authority (what experts think); experience (seeing is believing); social pressure (what others think and do, translated in current advertising jargon as social proof); imagination (cultural stories); and language (framing the debate). This is common knowledge today, says Stiles, but was path-breaking in Le Bon’s time. His acuity lay in recognizing that, soon, reason would prove ineffective as a means of persuasion."


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Great write up, Ron. Keep it coming. I'd like to see some examples mapped out. I.e. people's minds are at point A (regarding a specific topic) , and we want to bring them to point B. E.g. Americans are pro capitalism (A) and we want them to embrace socialism (B). What were the necessary conditions and cause-effect-cause steps to achieve the changeover?

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I like that. “Captains of our own thoughts”.

I have found that knowing my values and beliefs, and keeping them in the forefront as I process the information has helped me to do just that.

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